Recognizing Wulfrik's skill at arms, Viglundr also offered the champion untold wealth and the hand of his daughter, and thus, the status of king by inheritance if he would gain victory for the tribe. Their king, a Chosen of Tzeentch known as Viglundr was a cunning war-leader, who possessed great wealth as a result of many profitable raids, and thus was able to procure the services of legions of mercenaries from across the length and breadth of the Norscan realms and even as far abroad as the Kurgan tribes. However, the Sarls themselves were not entirely without means. Outnumbered and outmatched, it seemed doom had come for the men of the Sarls, with only bloody death awaiting them at the hands of their merciless cousins. The Aeslings were led by their king, a terrible Chaos Lord known as Torgald. It was 2519 IC that a massive bout of tribal conflict had erupted between the Sarls and their traditional rivals, the Aeslings of the north. Pride proved the Chosen's downfall, however. In the violent societies of Norsca, Wulfrik was famed, and many sagas were sung to his glory by the skald-chanters of the Sarls. Wulfrik forged his infamy by taking the heads of every rival Chaos Champion who crossed his path, proudly displaying them for all to see as a declaration of his power and the folly of challenging him. A warrior-born who bore the Mark of the Dark Gods upon his flesh he was ever renowned throughout the holdings of his tribe and beyond as a superlative warrior, feared for his prodigious strength and unmatched skill at arms. In his former life, Wulfrik was a Chaos Champion of the Sarl tribe of southern Norsca. Wulfrik prepares to unleash his fury in battle. " Dogs of Norsca, the bones of your brothers lie buried in the snow, far from the halls of their ancestors! The beasts who visited such craven death upon your comrades come now to feast upon their still-warm flesh! You run when I tell you to run, now fight when I tell you to fight!" To Khorne he offers up their skulls, to Nurgle the contents of their slit bellies, to Slaanesh their still-beating hearts, and to Tzeentch their dying breath. One of the most devoted followers of Chaos to walk the earth, Wulfrik has made offerings of lords, kings, sea-serpents and dragons to his masters. A mighty giant of a man, clad in hulking plate and bedecked in the trophies of his many kills, Wulfrik travels the four corners of the world, seeking the greatest and most deadly warriors and beasts to bring them to battle and slaughter them as demanded by the Gods.

Wulfrik the Wanderer, also known as the Eternal Challenger, the Inescapable One and the World Walker, is the ultimate sea-faring Norscan warrior. Wulfrik the Wanderer, in all his barbaric glory. Wulfrik the Wanderer to Dwarf King Thurbad Stonebeard, in perfect Khazalid.

Indeed, maybe you are instead some breed of bearded goblin, though in truth, I have seen a finer beard on a Troll's back-side." " Face me if you dare, stunted whelp, or do you lack even an Elven maid's courage? I thought the Sons of Grungni were great warriors, but perhaps you are no true Dwarf.