
Anno 1800 wiki production chains
Anno 1800 wiki production chains

Zooming in allows you to see jet-setting execs swooping around in flying cars, parka-clad fishermen and dockworkers farming the frigid seas, and moon rovers bustling between monolithic mining drills and sprawling power plants. The issue is that there isn’t a lot of variety within each zone - every robot factory looks the same, and if you’ve seen one block of temperate megaplex housing, you’ve seen them all. I also noticed some pretty severe graphical optimization issues in certain camera modes, even at sub-maximum settings and running on a Core i7 and a GeForce GTX 770 that exceeds Ubisoft’s recommended specs and eats games like Total War: Attila for breakfast. The late-game synergies between the Arctic, the temperate zone, and the moon base made me almost giddy.Though I bemoan the neediness of my workforce, the late-game synergies that can be created by transporting raw materials from the Arctic, finished goods from the temperate zone, and massive amounts of fusion power from my moon base made me almost giddy. I hit a point where I felt like I was managing three, interdependent ecosystems that become far more than the sums of their parts by working together. Late-game products, like personal androids, require materials and manufactured items from all three areas, but give a correspondingly huge boost to happiness. It’s just too bad that the ultimate culmination of that interdependence is that my greedy investors could get faster quantum computers on which to play a hundred simultaneous games of holographic scrabble, rather than an achievement I can build and see. The cities themselves aren’t varied enough in their architectural styles to get that, “Look at this cool ant farm I built” feeling like you might with another city builder, so I ended up feeling like seeing bigger numbers on my balance sheet was the only impetus for expansion.

anno 1800 wiki production chains

It would have been nice to have something greater to work towards, such as exporting my wondrous products for the betterment of mankind. That's a lot, and at least in my game, I imagine I'll be getting by with half that for a good while.Once my profits hit critical mass and I had more money than I knew what to do with, having far eclipsed all my corporate rivals and finished all the campaign goals, my only expansion options involved placing more identical buildings to rake in even more ridiculous amounts of cash. If you simply tried to follow the ratio, you'd be producing enough soap for 4800 workers, apparently. The game merely tells you that your supply is stable or not, which maybe is good enough. I had to go to a wiki, for example, to find out that one bakery can feed 1100 workers. The thing that really vexes me, though, is that as far as I can tell, nowhere in the game does it tell you what the consumption ratio is. So if I'm understanding correctly, using bread as an example, you need two wheat fields, one mill, and two bakeries. So if a has a raw material tha has a 1:00 production time, and a processing plant with a 0:30 processing time, and then a production plant with a 1:00 production time, you know that the chain ratio is 2:1:2 for those structures. if you mouseover part of a chain you can see its production time, and all production cycles require 1 good of the required type. TheDeadlyShoe eredeti hozzászólása:although its not immediately obvious, the game does show you the ratios.

Anno 1800 wiki production chains